Escribanita Studios, LLC

It’s an absolute joy to get a writer’s work-in-progress. I admire the time and labor writers put into their project. My goal is to provide individualized feedback that allows a writer reflection and encouragement to leap forward in their literary aspirations.

Prices and services can be found below along with my credentials. Contact me for more information and a personal quote. If your work is in a different genre from Nonfiction, feel free to contact me. I am happy to supply recommendations of other talented editors.


I am an award-winning essayist published in numerous journals, with several Notable pieces listed in the Best American Essays Series. I have an M.A. in Literature and an M.F.A. in Writing with a focus in Nonfiction. I teach creative writing workshops at Gotham Writers’ Workshop and Pioneer Valley Writers’ Workshop, along with leading one-on-one mentorships with students working on book-length memoir projects. My book reviews for memoirs and nonfiction have been published in the Los Angeles Review of Books, Chicago Review of Books, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. At the literary journal Hypertext Review, I serve as their Nonfiction Editor.

The following editing packages assume clients submit work in the standard academic format (Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins).

  • This is a sampler service for clients considering my services for Manuscript Coaching. Clients receive line edits and brief feedback about the first ten pages of their manuscript.

    Turnaround time is 1 week.

    Price is $50.

  • This service is for clients who have a book-length manuscript and wish to receive holistic feedback.

    Clients receive a 1-page letter with feedback on the work as a whole in terms of plot, structure, character, voice, etc.

    Turnaround time is 2 weeks.

    Price is $1 per page.

  • This is in-depth feedback for clients working on either an essay or a book-length manuscript. For clients with book projects, this is an ideal service in order to receive consistent, ongoing coaching.

    Clients receive line edits in terms of structure, voice, language, etc. They receive a page of written feedback and have the option of a Zoom call for additional coaching.

    Turnaround time is 10 days, depending on the page length.

    Price is $85/hour.



“When I came to Anita, I was confused as to where I was going with my manuscript. She has a way of seeing the whole in my work and how each piece—each paragraph—needs to contribute. Anita is a unique soul in that she sees the overall themes while also having a grasp of the minutiae. She identifies how the parts fit together, and she can also tell what’s missing. Anita has a quality that fosters trust. There are two things about Anita that I adore: a sense of lovingness and a fierce honesty. Her feedback has inspired me to make my manuscript the best book it can be.” 

-Susan Wooldridge, Author of Poemcrazy


“Anita’s feedback about my manuscript in progress was helpful. Her writer’s letter not only highlighted strengths and opportunities in it, but gave me avenues to expand my writing without flat out telling me what I needed to do. How? She gave me concrete insight into areas like gestures and descriptions and other sources to consult. As far as the manuscript itself, her comments were specific questions to ponder about for revision, where clarification could be made, or more depth added and what stood out. When we briefly spoke, I knew she read my work closely and carefully. Therefore, any comments made by her were grounded in her best understanding of my work.” 

-Rashaun Allen, Memoir writer, Poet, Author of The Blues Cry for a Revolution, In the Moment, and A Walk Through Brooklyn


“Nearly every time I think I'm ready to submit an essay for publication, I send it to Anita first. She's got an amazing eye for voice, and over the years she's gotten to know mine almost as well as I do. Like all writers, I've got tics, tendencies, and preoccupations that repeat throughout my work--some that contribute in a positive way, and some that need to be checked. Anita has gotten to know that I have a tendency for passive usage here, or a run-on sentence there--and I'm always surprised when she catches and corrects something that had completely escaped my attention. And that's why I value Anita's input so much. Her close readings and attention to detail show how much she cares about my writing and making each piece the best it can be.”

- Otis Houston, Nonfiction writer, Contributor in Los Angeles Review of Books


“Anita has provided thoughtful feedback on my novel ever since I started it a few years ago. She has seen it in several stages of revision, and depending on whether she's seeing a chapter's first draft or third, she knows just what it needs. In first drafts, she's given me plot ideas that I would have never thought of, and in my more polished drafts she's had an eagle eye for tightening up language or clarifying details.  On a line level and on a larger scale, Anita has helped me work out some of the toughest bits of my writing. She's patient and encouraging, but also discerning and unfaltering. She asks the big questions and provides insight on the work as a whole, which is so valuable to me when I'm in the trenches of drafting.  Lastly, I'd like to highlight Anita's professionalism; she's prompt, accommodating, communicative, and a pleasure to work with.”

- Joanne Howard, Fiction writer, 2019 Honorable Mention for Paul Kalanithi Writing Award


“Anita is a total professional when it comes to manuscript editing. She's a straight shooter with a sharp eye who asks encouraging questions throughout the process. She can recognize the soul of a piece and provide in-depth and insightful revision direction. Incorporating her revision suggestions into my work has resulted in better writing and a better product.”

- Meredith Hardwicke, Fiction writer, Work in Iron Horse Review


“Anita is intelligent, kind and insightful, which makes her writing critiques clear, generous, and astute. Her competence as a reader, writer, and teacher shine through on the page, and her input has helped me refine, strengthen, and deepen my work. I always look forward to getting back edits from Anita because I know they’ll help me take my writing to the next level.”

-Elizabeth Droppers, Fiction writer, Work in Hobart Pulp and The Scores